Ratings by thesleuthacademy

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According to Cain, by Jim Nelson
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

Counterfeit Monkey, by Emily Short
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

The Grown-Up Detective Agency, by Brendan Patrick Hennessy
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

Secret of the Black Walrus, by spaceflounder
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

Lady Thalia and the Masterpiece of Moldavia, by Emery Joyce and N. Cormier
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

The Weight of a Soul, by Chin Kee Yong
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

Oppositely Opal, by Buster Hudson
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

The Detective's Bot, by C.E.J. Pacian
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

Violet, by Jeremy Freese
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

Who Shot Gum E. Bear?, by Damon L. Wakes
thesleuthacademy's Rating:

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