Ratings by wolfbiter

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Barcarolle in Yellow, by Víctor Ojuel
wolfbiter's Rating:

Into The Lion's Mouth, by Metalflower
wolfbiter's Rating:

The Whale's Keeper, by Ben Parzybok
wolfbiter's Rating:

Lake Starlight, by SummersViaEarth
wolfbiter's Rating:

The Ship, by Sotiris Niarchos
wolfbiter's Rating:

One Knight Stand, by A. Hazard
wolfbiter's Rating:

Dysfluent, by Allyson Gray
wolfbiter's Rating:

Beat Witch, by Robert Patten
wolfbiter's Rating:

wolfbiter's Rating:

Artful Deceit, by James O'Reilly and Dian Mills O'Reilly
wolfbiter's Rating:

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