Reviews by SinfoolGamer

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View this member's reviews by tag: Click Fiction Eerie Protagonist Escape-the-room Good for Beginners Mini-IF
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The Acorn Court, by Todd S. Murchison
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Short & fun Escape-the-room , September 26, 2012

Another mini-IF that is great for learning how to handle multiple identical objects.
Awarded: 2 points for gameplay, and 1 for ease of use.
Recommended: I would recommend this for beginner IF and for those new to the escape the room genre.
Personal Opinion: I found this to be a fun, simple game that was not too frustrating and that kept me quite interested.

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1981, by Anonymous
1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
"Click" Fiction, September 26, 2012

I would hestiate to say this is an IF. I would more compare it to click fiction. It was extremely linear, to the point I could only alter 2 areas which still ended with the same effect. It did give a slight insight into the mind of the protagonist, however creepy that mind may be.
Awarded: a point each for character & story
Recommended: It's an interesting albeit creepy fiction. I would probably recommend to people looking for "real world" fiction. It's rather short, so good for in between harder IFs and just for something a bit out of the ordinary.
Personal Opinion: It is a different premise from what I usually see, it would of been nice to perhaps have the "click fiction" for the first time round (allowing one to enter the protagonists head so to speak) then allow replay with the constraints removed and more endings/interaction available.

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9:05, by Adam Cadre
3 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
Good for Beginners, September 26, 2012

This is a great little IF especially for beginners. It was among the first "modern" IFs I have played. It's not very long, and could of perhaps had a little more interesting "nuggets"/side plot to it, but overall, I found it a fun easy game. Because of a plot twist, it has definite replay value.
Appointed: A star each for gameplay, plot, ease of use & replay value
Recommended: for beginners, or as a "work break" game.
Personal Opinion: Overall, this IF grabbed me due to the plot twist, I normally am able to see/expect what's coming, and this twist in the story made me go back and replay it. I would highly recommend it for that reason alone.

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