Ratings and Reviews by Ghalev

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Kerkerkruip, by Victor Gijsbers
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Dangerous Curves, by Irene Callaci
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Zorkian Stories 1: G.U.E., by Marshal Tenner Winter
9 of 14 people found the following review helpful:
Needs a Visit to the Frobozz Magic Playtesting Company, October 20, 2012
by Ghalev (Northern Appalachia, United States)

This seems like an effort in good faith, but there are no testers credited that I can find (the game doesn't respond to any of the standard information requests like CREDITS, HELP, ABOUT, AUTHOR and so on), and I think a few rounds of testing would do a world of good getting the game into releasable condition. As it is, it's a pretty frustrating experience: awkwardly implemented, marred by spelling and grammar oddities, synonym omissions, awkward formatting choices, and more. The game launches immediately into name-dropping from established Zork lore to set the mood, but if it manages to deliver on that implied promise, the delivery waits over a horizon of frustration. With a team of testers and a little more time, this could well be a worthy entry into the fan-Zork category. Here's hope for its future ... but it's just not ready yet.

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