Reviews by Christina Nordlander

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The Morning After The Night Before, by Hazel-Rah
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Not much there, July 11, 2017

The Morning After the Night Before is to all intents and purposes a "my crappy apartment" game in Twine. You wake up after a bender and presumably have to figure out what happened last night, though there is little actual investigation done. There is something of a puzzle (finding the key so you can go outside), which is good as far as it goes, but that is pretty much all there is to it. The rest of it is "my crappy apartment"-text. It's not noticeably badly written, just extremely bland.

The tags promise a twist, so I played to the end looking for the reveal that, for example, I was Donald Trump all along. Instead I got (Spoiler - click to show)one of the most cliché storylines of modern games, the zombie apocalypse. It's not particularly scarily written. There are prior hints that something is wrong outside the apartment, but again, they fail to build up any really ominous atmosphere. It was almost enough to make me wonder whether I'd missed something.

I don't want to be too harsh. Like I said, the writing isn't actively bad, and there are no bugs. The "my crappy apartment" genre isn't bad in itself: some excellent works have started out with a similar premise. And I always enjoy puzzles and puzzle-like elements (such as needing to find an item to proceed) in Twine games.

We all have to start somewhere, and there are much worse first games than this.

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Saybutts, by Densetsu No Gomez
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Cute, but not very memorable, July 4, 2017

Saybutts is an interactive story entered in Twiny Jam about the perennial plight of a cat owner: how to stop your cat waking you up in the middle of the night. The cat in question is named Sabriel, "the Patience of God", apparently so called because that's what you need to deal with her.

The moment I played it, the lovely and character-filled photos of Sabriel won me over. If you have even the slightest fondness of cats, it's worth giving it a playthrough for the photos alone.

That aside, there's not much here, for better or for worse. The shortness is of course a component of Twiny Jam, and it does do a good job packing that small scope with a complete story (a gentle, slice-of-life story) and interactivity. However, other Twiny Jam games had far more impact on me while still adhering to the same space constraints. The prose isn't bad, but neither does it stand out. There are some cute and amusing observations, and the ending made me chuckle, but by and large, the story is pretty unmemorable.

Worth playing for some excellent photos and a sweet little story, just don't expect it to blow your mind.

For a much more in-depth game about feline cuteness and annoyance, I recommend Cat Petting Simulator 2014.

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The Cursed Sword of Shagganuthor, by Laura Michet
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Well-written fantasy horror, but feels like it could have done more, June 28, 2017

The Cursed Sword of Shagganuthor is a dark Twine short story casting you in the role of a villager participating in an uprising against an evil sorcerer-king.

The writing is extremely fine, and the central horror conceit is original and memorable. Chances are, it will stay with you for a while.

As for downsides, I will refer to Gijsbers' review: the story is so linear, it barely merits the interactive format. For much of the plot, I found it justifiable as an expression of the fatalism mentioned in the game blurb: the protagonist is swept along by events outside of his control, first in the battle, then by the effects of the curse. Even so, I found the linearity too overbearing: there are events that the protagonist should realistically be able to influence, but the story won't let you.

Also, while I've mentioned that I found the conceit original, the larger storyline of the curse is less so. Perhaps it's just that I read a lot of horror, but I still found the overall story predictable. Sometimes, predictability can add to horror: the inevitability of classical tragedy. In this case, however, I didn't experience that effect. That said, I wasn't expecting (Spoiler - click to show)the protagonist to infect his wife and father-in-law, rather than killing them.

A bit where the storytelling felt unclear: (Spoiler - click to show)when the protagonist proceeds to his father-in-law's house, I assumed that he would kill his father-in-law, and thus the man showing up alive later confused me a bit.

In short: brilliantly written, with some gruesomely original imagery, and well worth a read if you're a fan of body horror and dark fantasy. It just feels like it could have gone deeper.

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Scars, by Olivia Dunlap
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Great story, not much of a game, June 16, 2017*

(Disclosure: I participated in EctoComp 2016.)

Scars is a low-key horror game set in an alternative present where (Spoiler - click to show)superiors have the right to punish their subordinates by scarring them.

I like this concept a lot. The game stands out from most EctoComp games I've played: there's no supernatural element, and no reliance on shock tactics. The story does a good job building up an unpleasant atmosphere, and there's no gratuitous gore. The horror is mundane, at least for our viewpoint character. I would love to read a longer work going into more detail about how this society works.

The writing is very good, if a bit unpolished due to time constraints. Around the middle of the story, it felt like it bogged down a little: a bit too many details that didn't really give me any useful information, a bit too much "telling". On the other hand, the ending is vague and enigmatic, leaving for the reader to infer what is between the lines.

The only major flaw is that the story is very linear. A long section of the opening has no interactivity other than pressing a link to see the next page. While it does get more interactive, that interactivity primarily expresses itself in letting the player choose a few different scenes that provide more information, rather than actually affecting the plot.

You can't even say that the second-person CYOA format makes the story more personally engaging. The protagonist is simultaneously too individualised to be the iconic blank slate PC, and too bland to be a compelling character. We're given a lot of details about her job and past events, but not much that made me identify with her.

These are minor quibbles. I still found it well worth a play-through, for the plot and writing.

* This review was last edited on June 17, 2017
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brevity quest, by Chris Longhurst
3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Fun coffee break RPG, June 4, 2017

As other reviewers have pointed out, brevity quest takes the stripped-down aesthetics of ultra-short Twine games (such as, for example, RPG-ish) and puts them to work in a more large-scale and sprawling (if fairly mechanically simple) RPG. You can choose between three different character classes, and several storylines are mutually exclusive, thus adding a large element of replayability.

Your feelings for brevity quest will probably depend on how you feel about unabashedly classic (or conventional?) Dungeons & Dragons tropes. Me, I enjoyed it enough to come back for multiple playthroughs. A lot of my enjoyment may be powered by nostalgia, but you know, it's exactly what I needed. The length feels just about perfect. It gets quite challenging early on (the mine quest), but only enough to make me determined to find a way through the obstacles, not enough to make me lose interest. Getting a winning ending is enough of a challenge to feel rewarding. The writing is, as mentioned, succinct, but clear and transparent.

While I described it as being mechanically simple, it's far from stupid. The ending screen tracks your adventures and skills, and while there's no over-arching plot, your previous actions may come to affect the events in later quests.

There are a few flaws that stop me from giving it five stars. Most importantly, it is up-front about being unfair and rife with learning-by-death. The author is disarmingly aware of this and suggests using the Undo button when needed, but the fact remains that picking options without having a fair chance of knowing the outcome hardly counts as "gameplay", any more than flipping a coin does. A minor issue is that the tone of the narration fluctuates a bit: the first couple of quests are written in a straight-faced manner, whereas later ones have a more tongue-in-cheek narration. Now, don't get me wrong: the comedy is good. (I particularly enjoyed the intro to the final dungeon.) Still, I might have enjoyed it more if it had been present from the start.

I also found a bug (I assume): in the final dungeon, during the battle against (Spoiler - click to show)the multi-armed monster, the game displays the links for both success and failure.

The story doesn't really break any new ground in terms of fantasy games: the enemies are conventional, the quests are mostly comfortable fantasy RPG tropes. If you don't have a problem with that, you won't have a problem with this game either.

To sum up: a polished, coffee break-sized fantasy quest. Exactly what it says on the tin, in other words. Recommended for everyone who wants a nostalgic, adventurous fantasy experience, or like their Twine to be on the "game" side of the spectrum.

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A Checkered Haunting, by Andrew Schultz
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Shades of Threediopolis, May 21, 2017

(Disclosure: I participated in EctoComp 2016.)

The following is not Andrew Schultz's fault, but when I saw the title, I got a strong mental impression of a shaded, elegiac ghost story. What it is is a decidedly non-complex "visit all the rooms without retracing your steps" puzzle, with some plot justifications involving ghosts and the afterlife. No descriptions, no NPCs, essentially nothing to interact with (though the last part is justified, given that you're non-corporeal). Still, once I started I found it a fun, semi-mindless way to spend an afternoon. An ASCII auto-map is included, and the game is just the right length not to feel too light, nor to outstay its welcome.

(Spoiler - click to show)Then, you have to guess a verb in order to win the game. While I found that part difficult, I wouldn't call it illogical. It also stands out as a puzzle that wouldn't work in any medium other than IF, and draws attention to the PC's powerless nature as a ghost in a way that is somewhat darker than anything we have been led to expect.

Technically, it's good: I appreciated the map, and there is even a system where progressively more blatant hints appear if you get stuck. (Also, as Easter eggs, try going UP or DOWN.) The only place where I felt the constraints of the three-hour time limit was in the writing, which felt a bit unpolished, even to the point of being difficult to understand. In places, this may even have affected my ability to solve the final puzzle. That is the only major fault I could find, though.

There is a bit of a story, even a pretty good one, but it's almost exclusively doled out in the intro and ending text.

Not horror in any sense of the word, and barely counts as the F in IF, but a fun diversion if you're in a puzzly mood, and technically robust for a speed-IF.

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Toiletworld Omega, by Brian Kwak
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
[insert toilet-based pun here], May 20, 2017

(Disclosure: I participated in EctoComp 2016.)

First of all, let it be said that I agree 100% with the concept behind this game. The idea of a horror parody of a disliked troll game is funny, and anyone who can make toilets scary is a friend of mine.

Unfortunately, this game feels like a troll itself. It's not egregiously bad; there's just barely anything there. The writing is... okay. It's a bit overblown in a way I assume is intentionally parodic, but again, it's hard to tell.

I don't want to knock it too hard: there's some sophisticated coding, and the actual horror content manages to be disorienting and startling. It just didn't make an impact on me at all, for better or for worse.

(Note: I didn't get the Lousy Last Point. Perhaps if I had, my feelings about the game would change.)

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Save the World in 7 Moves, by chintokkong
3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
I think I like the concept of this game more than the actual game, May 14, 2017*

My interest for Save the World in 7 Moves was piqued after I read Sobol's review, which described it as a Rematch-style replay puzzle that manages to fit a vast amount of puzzle-solving into the Twine format. That is indeed true. The puzzles are the high point of the game: some challenging, some not particularly logical (as befits the surrealism of the plot), but I stuck it out and felt that the game rewarded my persistence. I'm particularly impressed with (Spoiler - click to show)the Emporium puzzle. I'd quite like to know the code that went into that.

Everything else? The plot is minimal and not very original. The solution to the problem is, again, not massively original, but at least it contains one or two twists rather than being a straightforward journey from point A to point B. The writing, while not bad, is somewhat ungrammatical: I can't tell whether the author is going for a Porpentine-style expressionism or simply isn't a native English-speaker, but that in itself is a bit damning. That said, some descriptions are atmospheric, and even the clunky grammar becomes background noise due to the many replays you're going to go through. There is plenty of satire of office life: it's amusing enough (stick it out through the meeting-room presentation at least once), but this is extremely well-trodden ground in IF, and this game doesn't add anything much.

While the puzzles are the high point of the game, towards the end I found myself lawn-mowering through the locations trying to find something I hadn't tried, and it ended up feeling like busy-work. Also, quite a chunk of the game is spent on a red herring (though it does point you in the direction of the correct solution).

EDIT: Removed a complaint that turned out to be due to my own misreading.

I hesitated whether to give this a 3 or a 4. Picture 3.5 stars if you will. The plot, writing and setting are nothing particularly memorable, but the puzzles really are good enough to make up for it. Play it for the puzzles. I'm glad I did.

PS. Was that a Stanley Parable reference?

* This review was last edited on May 15, 2017
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Flight of the Necrovoyager, by Joey Bones
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Flight of the Necrovoyager (in Real Time), May 5, 2017

(Disclosure: I participated in EctoComp 2016.)

The premise is original, and the writing is pretty good. I came into it expecting something rather light-hearted and silly, but the various PCs' backstories turn out to have a bit more darkness to them: a nice mixture of black comedy and inhumanity. Those backstories are probably my favourite part of the story: they're well-written and get the right amount of detail without dragging on.

Then you get to the bulk of the story, and... it's a boredom simulator. You have to click through a few repetitive tasks until enough years have passed for you to reach the planet of your destination, (Spoiler - click to show)upon which the storyline ends. There exists a game called Journey to Alpha Centauri: In Real Time, based on a joke in Terry Pratchett's novel Only You Can Save Mankind, where the joke is that it takes 3,000 years to complete; this is like the coffee-break version. Of course, the point is that the journey is immensely boring for the PC; the problem is that intentional boredom is still boredom.

(Spoiler - click to show)I played through all the characters, in case there were some sort of reward for completing all the storylines, but it turns out there isn't.

I found most of the PCs interesting in one way or another. I particularly enjoyed the vampire's backstory, and the lich has an interesting personality (and also the most varied content during the actual journey). Implementation-wise, the game is competent: nothing groundbreaking, but a good use of expanding text and randomised elements. On the downside, there are a few typoes, but not enough to reduce my enjoyment.

Not particularly scary.

To sum up: a fun idea, decently written, but still a boredom simulator.

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Low, by Peregrine Wade
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Low key, but ranks high, May 1, 2017*

(Disclosure: I participated in EctoComp 2016.)

This one grabbed me from the start: the set-up, with the PC in a car trying to escape from an unknown horror, is sufficiently rare in IF to be memorable, and creates a nice claustrophobic sense of horror. The writing is largely very good, despite one or two slightly cliché moments. Once I found out what the threat was, my interest flagged a little, but that's because I'm not a fan of (Spoiler - click to show)werewolves, not because of any fault in the game.

If I had to describe this game in one word, it would be "polished". Processes that could easily have become a case of guess-the-verb, such as driving a car or buying something, have been nearly perfectly streamlined. The game does a very good job of seeming sprawling and open, creating the illusion of a vast world despite the short time-frame of creation. Finally, the ending is powerful and appropriate to the set-up.

The only real problem I had is that you can lock yourself out of the winning ending (Spoiler - click to show)literally, by not taking the hamburger before you get locked out of the car. This was particularly annoying to me as I figured out the winning move, only to realise that I'd left behind the item I needed. Now, you may say that this is an IF game, you should pick up everything that isn't nailed down. The thing is, if I have something in my car, I think of it as being in my possession. "You need to pick it up" doesn't register with me.

EDIT: The author has informed me that it is still possible to get a winning ending if this happens, so I stand corrected.

There are a couple of other minor annoyances: figuring out how to enter (Spoiler - click to show)the gas station is unintuitive (you have to use IN; ENTER or compass directions won't work); some stock commands are unimplemented (for example, OPEN DOOR while struggling to get back into your car will give you "You can't see any such thing"). Of course, such issues are the expected casualties of a speed-IF, and apart from these few technical problems, I really have no complaints about this game. Play it if you want a tense, unnerving horror game with a sense of a large world and a strong ending.

Well worthy of its high score in the competition.

* This review was last edited on May 9, 2017
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