Ratings by C.E.J. Pacian

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The Plague - Redux, by Laurence Moore
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

Photopia, by Adam Cadre
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

Pac-Man, by Anonymous
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

My Magic Tire Hoax, by N Day
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

I-0, by Anonymous
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

I'm Gonna Take You To The Video Bar!, by James Mitchelhill
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

Floatpoint, by Emily Short
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

Flawed Addendum, by Jalbum
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

Ecdysis, by Peter Nepstad
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

Fail-Safe, by Jon Ingold
C.E.J. Pacian's Rating:

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