Polls with votes for Anchorhead
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | 41–46 of 46 | Show AllMust-play games -
312 votes for 60 games; created March 26, 2009A poll by
Jeff SonasI am looking for the games that, in your opinion, you simply must have played in order to really call yourself an IF aficionado. Or if...
Vivid games -
137 votes for 47 games; created March 8, 2009A poll by
Jeff SonasI'm looking for games that evoked strong feelings or strong mental images that stayed with you long after you finished the games.
Top-notch horror or terror games -
115 votes for 29 games; created March 7, 2009A poll by
madducksI'm looking for games that are the best representations of horror or terror in IF.
Influential Games -
487 votes for 65 games; created February 1, 2009A poll by
RoseAs a historical exercise, I've begun compiling a list of IF games that have either done something ground breaking with the medium or...
Artistic Games -
131 votes for 37 games; created November 15, 2008A poll by
WriterBobI'm interested in games that take the fiction of IF to new levels. These are not straightforward, plot driven games. Think instead of...
Games that most resemble an Infocom work -
66 votes for 23 games; created October 10, 2008A poll by
David CornelsonIf you've played a game that "feels" like an Infocom game, add it to the list.
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