Polls with votes for Anchorhead

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Games with a Halloween theme - 24 votes for 19 games; created August 10, 2012
A poll by Cuxxu
Some of us over on boardgamegeek/videogamegeek/rpggeek are starting a interactive fiction-of-the-month club. It was discussed having a...

Your very first game. - 81 votes for 45 games; created March 28, 2012
A poll by DustyCypress
Do you still remember when you played your very first IF? How did you get drawn (and perhaps addicted) to IF and have been playing still?...

Multiple solutions to puzzles and/or situations. - 25 votes for 14 games; created August 29, 2011
A poll by Hulk Handsome
Games that offer more than one solution to most of the puzzles and/or situations encountered. Bonus points if this means that items have...

Sublime Moments - 109 votes for 57 games; created May 19, 2011
A poll by Sam Kabo Ashwell
I've been thinking about games that provide really brilliant moments. This is not about the overall quality of the game: there are plenty...

Best IF Titles - 176 votes for 57 games; created February 13, 2011
A poll by Fredrik
No doubt you have played some great games with great titles, or been disappointed to find games with great titles that did not hold up to...

Games That Changed Your Mind - 16 votes for 15 games; created December 1, 2010
A poll by Ghalev
Before you played X, you never thought you'd like horror games. Before you played Y, you never thought you could take a game with a...

Games that inspired you to MAKE a game. - 54 votes for 35 games; created July 27, 2010
A poll by MyTheory
Whether it was the witty dialogue, the charming atmosphere, or the cleverness of the puzzle - you played "this" game and it inspired you...

Games with a city setting - 52 votes for 18 games; created July 30, 2009
A poll by JonathanCR
I'm interested in games that are set in cities - historical, modern, fantasy, or science-fiction. In particular, games that make you feel...

Creepy Games - 81 votes for 27 games; created July 17, 2009
A poll by J'onn Roger
I'm not looking for supernatural/ghost stories or horror stories, just games that do a good job being scary and/or disturbing.

Games that include a maze you would describe as 'hey, actually fun' - 49 votes for 25 games; created July 16, 2009
A poll by Jeremy Freese
Everybody always dissing mazes in IF. What are the games that prove them wrong?

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