Polls with votes for Fyleet
Go to this game's overview1–4 of 4Games With Unfair Beginnings -
23 votes for 16 games; created October 7, 2021A poll by
CanalboyBy this I mean games that can be made unwinnable near the start or have hellish opening puzzles.
Games that include a maze you would describe as 'hey, actually fun' -
49 votes for 25 games; created July 16, 2009A poll by
Jeremy FreeseEverybody always dissing mazes in IF. What are the games that prove them wrong?
Really hard puzzle/adventure games -
40 votes for 20 games; created April 9, 2009A poll by
SiliusYou know like with lots of puzzles you have to solve.
Great treasure hunt games -
37 votes for 22 games; created January 1, 2009A poll by
MollyGood treasure hunting games in the vein of Zork and Adventure, although they may not necessarily be set in caves.
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