Polls with votes for Heroes

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Multiple point-of-view characters - 44 votes for 30 games; created April 22, 2024
A poll by Joan
Interested in games where you swap between different characters' heads (whether at will or at specific points in the story), not games...

I'm looking for interactive games related to Arcadie: Second Born - 4 votes for 4 games; created December 20, 2022
A poll by Dr. Questionable
Games that take place in a medieval-like setting including an aspect of royalty, a rich-story, and some magic.

Non-human Perspectives - 76 votes for 33 games; created March 18, 2014
A poll by Rhetta_Lynnea
I'm looking for IF narrated by aliens, animals, anything.

First and Third Person Second Person Narratives - 34 votes for 23 games; created March 20, 2013
A poll by dacharya64
Not as complicated as it sounds! Interactive fiction is dominated by the iconic second person narrative (*You* find yourself in a room)....

Unreliable narrators - 57 votes for 19 games; created February 12, 2013
A poll by verityvirtue
I'm interested in games which hinge on the 'unreliable narrator', from amnesia to a plain distorted worldview. The more this distortion...

PC's personality integrated with the story - 85 votes for 42 games; created March 27, 2012
A poll by JasonMel
I would like to be able to recommend to someone many examples of interactive fiction in which the player character is far from a cipher...

Games with good rpg elements that are if - 25 votes for 13 games; created September 30, 2011
A poll by Zzoro26
I'm looking for a good interactive IF that has good rpg elements

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