Polls with votes for Kerkerkruip

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Best games you've played in 2012 - 29 votes for 18 games; created December 15, 2012
A poll by Molly
The year of our lord Two Thousand Twelve is almost over, so let's reflect back on the games we've played this year and see which ones we...

Combat puzzle games - 33 votes for 18 games; created December 12, 2012
A poll by Jeremy Freese
What I'm looking for are games that have fights that are ostensibly combat, but the solution to winning the fight is really a matter of...

Best games of the last 12-18 months? - 31 votes for 14 games; created September 23, 2012
A poll by Tobi Tesuji
I haven't looked at any new games since more than one year. So, what did I miss? What are the best/most interesting games of the last...

Games with good rpg elements that are if - 25 votes for 13 games; created September 30, 2011
A poll by Zzoro26
I'm looking for a good interactive IF that has good rpg elements

Wandering NPCs - 64 votes for 38 games; created January 7, 2011
A poll by Fredrik
I have always been fascinated with games that have several wandering and independent NPCs, especially when you have the ability to try to...

Games with high replay value - 41 votes for 27 games; created October 2, 2009
A poll by Wendymoon
What games do you find yourself returning to again and again? Maybe to get every last lousy point, to do some amusing things, to try for...

AI developments, particularly NPC-AI - 30 votes for 17 games; created October 10, 2008
A poll by breslin
Doesn't need to be satisfying as a conventional game, but must be interesting as an experiment. The idea being that AI work in IF is...

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