Polls with votes for The Hobbit

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Your very first game. - 81 votes for 45 games; created March 28, 2012
A poll by DustyCypress
Do you still remember when you played your very first IF? How did you get drawn (and perhaps addicted) to IF and have been playing still?...

Multiple solutions to puzzles and/or situations. - 25 votes for 14 games; created August 29, 2011
A poll by Hulk Handsome
Games that offer more than one solution to most of the puzzles and/or situations encountered. Bonus points if this means that items have...

Wandering NPCs - 64 votes for 38 games; created January 7, 2011
A poll by Fredrik
I have always been fascinated with games that have several wandering and independent NPCs, especially when you have the ability to try to...

New Game Challenges - 9 votes for 9 games; created July 22, 2010
A poll by tggdan3
User-made challenges for existing IF games meant to make the game harder/more fun

Must-play games - 309 votes for 60 games; created March 26, 2009
A poll by Jeff Sonas
I am looking for the games that, in your opinion, you simply must have played in order to really call yourself an IF aficionado. Or if...

Games with NPCs that tag along - 86 votes for 48 games; created February 12, 2009
A poll by Ghalev
List here any games that feature a (preferably memorable!) "sidekick" character - an NPC who follows the viewpoint character around for...

Influential Games - 481 votes for 64 games; created February 1, 2009
A poll by Rose
As a historical exercise, I've begun compiling a list of IF games that have either done something ground breaking with the medium or...

Games with graphics and/or sound - 167 votes for 88 games; created December 15, 2008
A poll by eyesack
I couldn't find an easy way to search for this, so I figured I'd ask the hivemind: What games use graphics and/or sound to enhance the...

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