Polls with votes for Journey

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Language puzzles - 20 votes for 10 games; created August 5, 2024
A poll by baf
I'm interested in games where the player must learn an unfamiliar language. I'm particularly interested in ones that have done it in...

Games part of an unfinished series - 44 votes for 28 games; created January 15, 2012
A poll by Jonathan Blask
I think it is both funny and interesting when games bill themselves as "Part # in the [blank] series" (and other games are never...

Games with good rpg elements that are if - 25 votes for 13 games; created September 30, 2011
A poll by Zzoro26
I'm looking for a good interactive IF that has good rpg elements

Worst IF Titles - 61 votes for 31 games; created February 13, 2011
A poll by diddlescatter
(Sorry, Fredrik, but your poll was such a great idea that I couldn't resist!) So here's the question: Which titles out there do you...

Games with graphics and/or sound - 167 votes for 88 games; created December 15, 2008
A poll by eyesack
I couldn't find an easy way to search for this, so I figured I'd ask the hivemind: What games use graphics and/or sound to enhance the...

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