Recommended Lists mentioning Zork
Go to this game's overviewPrevious | << 1 >> | NextFavorite Fours From Industrious Implementors, 1G - 24 items
March 27, 2024A list by
Walter SandsquishSome I.F. writers write more than others. Here are my favorite four games from authors who've released at least half-a-dozen games to...
The Great Underground Empire - 15 items
March 25, 2024A list by
Walter SandsquishZork, the first commercially-successful adventure game, spawned a prequel, several sequels, and a slew of homages and pastiches, all of...
Heli's favourite games - 16 items
August 31, 2023A list by
Heli N.Inspired by manonamora's own idea, this list will contain my favourite games until now and will be updated in a regular basis.
Rather Old IFDB Games - 35 items
February 24, 2022A list by
HoneySpeckThese are games that fit into the category of 'rather old', i.e. they were released before 1990.
Must-Play IF - 4 items
September 19, 2016A list by
getteraThere are some games I think everyone should play--as I play through them, I'll add the best games here.
Zorkian fantasy games - 29 items
January 12, 2016A list by
MathBrushMy best fantasy games list is getting too long, so I decided to branch off a list of all Zorkian fantasy games. These are games that have...
Big, non-linear adventure games with score system - 33 items
July 1, 2015A list by
MathBrushThese are classic-style games, where you have to collect a large variety of objects while exploring a cave or building. My favorite way...
Must try - 36 items
February 3, 2014A list by
Kku2611I am new to IF and collect all of the recommended games under a list for future consulting.
Games of Awesomeness - 3 items
September 25, 2013A list by
Christopher CaesarMy favorite text games so far.
Good Games, Poor Parser - 5 items
March 30, 2010A list by
tggdan3Games that you should just grit your teeth and try to complete, despite the poor parser, either because of great story or puzzles.
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