Most works of IF present themselves as works of IF, to be interacted with by you, the user, much as a reader would read a novel. These games play with or reject this, by presenting themselves as some other kind of artifact, or by otherwise behaving as if they are from some alternate timeline.
1. The Gostak
by Carl Muckenhoupt
Average member rating:
Michael Martin says:
2. Deadline Enchanter
by Alan DeNiro
Average member rating:
Michael Martin says:
3. A New Day, by Jonathan Fry (1997)
Average member rating:
Michael Martin says:
4. Cheater, by Wesley Osam (1996)
Average member rating:
Michael Martin says:
5. IF Quake, by Jason Bergman (2004)
Average member rating:
Michael Martin says:
6. Treasures of a Slaver's Kingdom
by S. John Ross
Average member rating:
Michael Martin says:
7. Ugly Chapter
by Sam Kabo Ashwell
Average member rating:
Michael Martin says:
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