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by Hoyle Purvis

Episode 213 of Eamon
Fantasy, RPG

About the Story

While you were returning from a distant adventure, you decided to stop and visit your old friend Lorin. He is a cleric at the Abbey of Light.

Days earlier, a wizard had left a golden ankh for safe-keeping. The ankh is the key to a gateway from our world to a demonic realm.

Recently, the Dark Lord had used the gate to summon a powerful demon which wreaked havoc before he was finally defeated by the wizard and a small band of adventurers.

Since the ankh has been housed with the brothers, the Dark Lord has concentrated a large force of his minions against the abbey. In the last three days, there have been several attacks which left many brothers dead or wounded.

As you were crossing the courtyard to fill a bucket of water, you heard a warning. 'Behind you!' a woman's voice yelled. You spun and confronted an approaching zombie. You glanced around but saw no sign of the woman who had warned you. The zombie pressed closer toward you, a spear clutched in its rotting hand.

You dodged the spear's thrust, but the spear became tangled in your robe! Jerking yourself free, your feet slipped over the edge of the well. You fell.

As you hit the stone wall of the well, there was a loud crash from above, and a brilliant flash of bright colors. Then, darkness and silence.

This adventure is part of the Eamon universe. Like all Eamon adventures, it is an RPG-style game, mostly using a two-word parser. Because Eamon is a modular system, you may bring a character and equipment from other adventures into this one.

Page Update History

v.7: 30-Dec-2019 11:16 - Denk (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed external review links
  v.6: 30-Dec-2019 11:16 - Denk
Changed description
v.5: 18-Mar-2018 09:20 - Denk
Changed description, download links
v.4: 26-Jun-2009 08:56 - GDL
Changed publication date
v.3: 14-Nov-2007 19:28 - Esa Peuha
Changed development system, series name, episode number
v.2: 26-Oct-2007 19:57 - Esa Peuha
Changed development system
v.1: 29-Sep-2007 20:48 - IFDB
Created page

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