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The Sueño

by Marshal Tenner Winter profile

Surreal, Mystery
Inform 7

About the Story

Low on income, you've signed up for a sleep study to test a new medication; one that supposedly causes lucid dreams. What you'll learn, however, is that much more will be revealed on The Sueño.

Page Update History

v.10: 13-Oct-2015 13:26 - Zape (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
v.9: 11-Mar-2020 21:39 - Marshal Tenner Winter
Changed download links
v.8: 11-Mar-2020 21:39 - Marshal Tenner Winter
Changed download links
v.7: 04-Dec-2019 20:47 - Marshal Tenner Winter
Changed download links
v.6: 25-Nov-2019 20:45 - cas
Changed IFIDs
v.5: 19-Dec-2015 18:22 - necromancer
Changed download links
v.4: 17-Nov-2015 09:13 - Marshal Tenner Winter
Changed download links
  v.3: 13-Oct-2015 13:26 - Marshal Tenner Winter
Changed external review links
v.2: 01-Oct-2015 16:55 - Marshal Tenner Winter
Changed cover art, version number, license type, language, genre, forgiveness, Web site URL
v.1: 01-Oct-2015 16:52 - Brendan Patrick Hennessy
Created page

1 Off-Site Review

Emily Short
I think this was my favorite experience with an MTW game to date.
Though I needed the walkthrough sometimes, I wasn’t leaning on it nearly as much as in some of his earlier work. The overall design of the game is more cohesive and consistent than Jesse Stavro, and the world is structured well enough to make a lot of it explorable by oneself.
See the full review

Game Details