
Member since April 24, 2008
Last visited May 9, 2021
Profile ID (TUID): 7gfpmfp63105d53g

Recommended Lists by necromancer

This member hasn't created any lists yet.

Polls by necromancer

Advocacy - 7 votes for 7 games; created October 13, 2020
I'm interested in games that advocate a political, economic, social, or personal choice with the intention to influence the public, e.g....

Reviews by necromancer

This member hasn't written any reviews yet.

See all ratings by this member

necromancer's Play Lists

Played Games

Hank's Journey, by Ogre
The Old Man By The Sea, by Adam Saltsman
c ya laterrrr, by Dan Hett
The Revenge, by Nitsan
Great-grandmother and the war, by Autumn Chen

See all 1124 entries in the Played List

Wish List

Gaia, Živa, Jarilo, by Harkness (as Formless)
Vincha, by Celicni
Inside the Japanese American Internment, by tfickle
Azula and Zuko, by WouldntItBeNice
One Week, by Papillon

See all 525 entries in the Wish List