necromancer's Wish List

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呃啊! Capybara, by Sirius, kidkidkid, and Capy
Average member rating: (1 rating)

這、這才不是一個愛與勇氣的乙女遊戲呢! 笨蛋 —— 到巴斯維克去吧。或許,你會在那裡找回心裡的聲音…
浪跡天涯的傀儡師艾利 ・ 瑪蘭狄奇因緣際會來到首都巴斯維克,卻意外捲入一場刺殺皇帝的陰謀。在人生地不熟的情況下被誤認為頭號嫌犯,艾利得使出渾身解數方能脫身。幸好,她不必孤身奮戰:及時出現的四個男人,或許能幫助她在時限內揪出真兇,證明自己的清白,甚至與她共譜一段甜蜜纏綿的戀曲…只是在這當下,追求浪漫恐怕並非最明智的抉擇。在旅途的終點,等待她的究竟是愛情的歸宿,還是無情的斷頭台呢?...

(untitled), by Jason Orendorff

111 cm. de aprendizaje, by Laura Baleztena
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
Diary, autobiographical, music, literature, short stories,
2112, by George K. Algire
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
"A woman's voice crackles over the intercom of the Boeing 797 you are strapping yourself into securely. You've never traveled in space before, and the prospect has been turning your guts inside out since you...
A 2D Interactive Bird's Eye View Map using an HTML table and graphic tiles., by Kenneth E. Gay

500 Apocalypses, by Phantom Williams
necromancer's rating:
Average member rating: (25 ratings)

500 Apocalypses is a web installation memorializing collapsed civilizations from across our universe. This interactive space is designed to allow contemplative engagement with five hundred curated entries...

À la basse et au chant, by Eva Simonin
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Une respiration difficile résonne dans vos oreilles. Un voile pesant étouffe tous vos autres sens. Le sang bat dans vos veines en un rythme lourd, juste un peu trop rapide.

Absence of Law, by mathbrush
Average member rating: (50 ratings)

Excuse me, can you help me? Yes, you, browsing IFDB games! I need your assistance, but I don't have long. There's so much going on: remote surveillance, unauthorized cloning, forgotten languages, robots...

The Academy, by Caden Arrick

weird school simulator
Administer Naloxone, by Gollydrat
revive someone from an opioid OD (warnings: descriptions of drug use, overdosing, improper overdose treatment, administering naloxone; mentions of death, police brutality, violence; player performs the act...

Adventura, by Leighton Swannell
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Completely user defined game, made to inspire creativity in player. Many mysteries will force the player to come to their own conclusion as to what actually happens and develop their own backstory.

Adventure (BBC Master Welcome Disc, 1986), by Anonymous
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

This program is a simple adventure game [which was shipped with the BBC Master microcomputer on the "Welcome Disc" along with other games and utilities]. The aim is explore the world which is revealed to you...

Adventure of a Lifetime, by Richard Bayliss

The Adventures of Peter Patzer, Who Sought Masterhood and Returned Not Quite the Same, by John C. Knudsen
Average member rating: (1 rating)

You are Peter Patzer, on a quest, seeking chess mastery. Patzer you are, in name and being. Many are the legends told of your rotten moves at the chessboard. You are so lousy that your good moves cause...

Adventuring 101: Rogue Like, by Joshua Castillo

In this story, you are an aspiring rogue participating in an exercise to prove that you know how to be a good rogue. One of the things I like most about this Interactive fiction is the combat system I made,...
Aladdin Adventure, by Stanley Sheff

Alias 'The Magpie', by J. J. Guest
necromancer's rating:
Average member rating: (74 ratings)

Sir Rodney Playfair, gentleman thief, has a simple plan: impersonate a psychiatrist, infiltrate a country house, steal a priceless Egyptian scarab and make it back to London in time for cocktails. All in a...

Alice and the Wishing Tree, by Craig Dutton

You are Alice and little did you know that you were soon to return to Wonderland ...

Alice in Wonderland, by LeGarre

All Through the Night, by Daniel "Bosch" Saults
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

A short piece of interactive fiction horror, created for the Bogleech Creepypasta Cook-Off 2013. Includes music and sound effects.

Am I a monster?, by Antokolos

You are the werewolf... But only your decisions will show, whether you are a monster or merely a human being inside a hide of the beast.

American Election, by Greg Buchanan
Average member rating: (16 ratings)

A dark political nightmare game about Abigail Thoreau, a campaign assistant working to elect her candidate. In this hour-long cyoa game (composed of eleven chapters), you make choices both political and...

Anastasiya Alpha Demo, by Whale Team

A cyberspace adventure with a rather difficult puzzle. Demo version. Full version coming in 2013. See website below!

And a Hippo New Year, by Adri ("Erin Gigglecreek")
Average member rating: (12 ratings)

'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house, the only creature stirring was a hippo the size of a mouse. This game was created for Yuletide 2012, an annual fanfiction exchange. It is based in...

ANDROMEDA 1983, by Marco Innocenti
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

You are Ektor Mastiff, a scientist carrying the most important news in the world! Bring it to the Scientific Committee before it's too late! ANDROMEDA 1983 - An Adventure Game by Marco Innocenti is © 1983 by...

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