External Links

teleport.zip *
Contains teleport.hex
This is version 0.​5.
Requires a Hugo interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
Teleport Test *
Contains teleport.hex
The Full Teleport Test game download (about 1.​1 mb) Is updated to version 0.​51
Requires a Hugo interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
Teleport Test
This is the program only if you have the Zip file or don't care about the sounds. It is the latest upgrade to version 0.​51 to fix errors in version 0.​5
Requires a Hugo interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
Source to Teleport Test *
Complete set of sources to the Teleport Test game. You don't need to download this - it's about 3 meg - unless you want to figure out how the game works or want to borrow something from it for a game of your own.
Requires a Hugo interpreter. Visit IFWiki for download links.
* Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.

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Teleport Test

by Viridian Development Corporation (Paul Robinson)

Episode 1 of Tales of Zenith
Science Fiction

About the Story

You're trapped in an adventure game and want to escape. To do so, you have to smash the gas meter in the start room. How do you do that? Well, that's the point of the game!

While this puzzle provides a reasonable game in and of itself, the real purpose was to demonstrate the creation of a teleporter, in one of four flavors.

This game demonstrates the use of a teleporter to go to (1) any room in the game, (2) only to rooms marked as incoming teleporters, (3) only to rooms marked as outgoing teleporter pads, or (4) to rooms marked as either an incoming or outgoing teleporter.

Don't forget to read the meters!

Has been updated to Version 0.51 to fix errors reported in 0.5

Game Details

Off-Site Reviews

In The Matter of
New Game: Teleport Test
This is a demonstration game with a puzzle to solve, but the main purpose is the introduction of the teleporter, where you can go to any room in the game, only to teleporters which are incoming, outgoing, or either.
See the full review

Page Update History

v.10: 04-Jan-2012 23:58 - CiberSheep (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed IFIDs
v.9: 05-Feb-2017 12:29 - Gerynar
Changed download links
v.8: 05-Feb-2017 12:28 - Gerynar
v.7: 19-Jan-2013 20:59 - Paul Robinson
v.6: 19-Jan-2013 20:57 - Paul Robinson
v.5: 06-Jan-2012 08:27 - ifwizz
v.4: 05-Jan-2012 18:11 - Paul Robinson
  v.3: 04-Jan-2012 23:58 - Paul Robinson
v.2: 04-Jan-2012 23:57 - Paul Robinson
Changed download links
v.1: 04-Jan-2012 23:52 - Paul Robinson
Created page