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Déjà Vu

by Gavin Inglis profile and Failbetter Games

Episode 110 of Fallen London Exceptional Stories

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About the Story

“What am I looking for at the Portinari? Inspiration, you might think. But it’s more in the nature of not giving up. I’ve been feeling about London the same way I’ve been feeling about my watercolours: like I should move on.”

The venerable Portinari Dance Hall is failing – again! – and it’s up to you to inject some life into the old place. Reimagine the establishment in a grand overhaul, and shepherd it through a fractious opening night. Uncover the hopes and aspirations of the patrons that seek respite beneath its roof. Are all dreams destined to fade with time? Can any of these dreams be saved? And, more importantly, should they?


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