Top Floor Please

by Lokman Salikoon


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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Elevator antics, May 17, 2024
by Lance Cirone (Backwater, Vermont)

This game sees you invited to a party in a mysterious hotel. You travel to various floors to gather what you need to set it up, while running into other people you decide to assist, such as a socialite woman and a lost little girl.

I liked the visual presentation. The hotel schedule has a stylish illustrated image of various sheets posted up, with room information, graphics, and room numbers. There's also a few times where the text changes to reflect the story, such as a text conversation and an announcement over a PA both being formatted differently. Hitting a panel causes the little box representing it to shake as a clinking sound plays. There's also a particularly clever use of timed text, when the game says "you literally have to wait for 20 seconds for all of this to be over," and the results of it appear exactly that much time later.

The game uses audio well, with brief sound effects playing as you reach a new floor. The writing throughout is pretty strong: "As the elevator descended, Lavinia launched into a hilarious, rapid-fire account of the party's ongoing drama. A missing diamond necklace, a jealous ex-boyfriend, and a celebrity chef with a burnt soufflé – it seemed chaos was the order of the night."

I only noticed a few errors, such as typos ("i very much apreacieated your concern"). On floor 26, the clickable words don't disable after you click them, meaning you can keep clicking them to spawn more text. I got a missing passage error when I tried to go to the lobby, but I was still able to get a few of the different endings. Also, the elevator numbers in the dropdown are also colored white just like the background of the selection, making them impossible to read without highlighting; maybe either part could be yellow like the noticeboard? Overall, I had fun with the game.

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