Nobody Cares About Charley

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When they are gone, but you are still here, May 26, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: locusjam

Nobody Cares About Charley is a slice-of-life story where you play as an unnamed employee of some retail big store during your measly lunch break. During that time, you ponder about your life and this job, when your thoughts turns again and again back to Charley, a colleague of yours who recently went missing, and who nobody seems to care about anymore. There are four endings you can achieve.

This was such a bittersweet game. The way the disappearance of your coworker is portrayed, learning piece by piece what happened the past few weeks as you go about your lunch break, the grief of losing someone not particularly close to you but still filled a regular part of your day, and the way nobody else but you seems to care about this. It is heartbreaking to see how everyone’s attention and energy toward the case dwindles over time. Like, Charley’s last lunch bag is still in the shared fridge, untouched, weeks since anyone saw them.

I liked how your actions around the breakroom (i.e. how you fill your lunch break) seem to affect in a way how you are still processing the event. Choosing to bother taking care of last remains, finding connections in the wild… or simply ignoring the signs, like everyone seems to be doing.

Got a bit teary eyed at the end.

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