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Contains VMC10.exe
Type CLOAD & hit ENTER. Select ULTIMATE.​C10 in the JimG subdirectory of the Cassette directory. Type RUN...
Windows Application (Windows XP and later) (Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.)

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Ultimate Adventure

by Phil Edwardson

Episode 4 of Microdeal Series
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About the Story

From the cover

Being the adventurer you are, and having survived the Mansion and assassins in Jerusalem and walked the streets of Williamsburg, you are now qualified to undertake the Ultimate Adventure. You start your adventure with $250 at a Traditional Market where you purchase an array of items to assist you with your adventuring. Your goal is to accumulate $1000 or more and return to the market. It sounds easy!!! But on the way you will encounter attacking Alligators, Quick Sand, Charging Polar Bears, Pythons, Meteors, Bandits, Deserts, Land Mines, Sharks and much much more, Good Luck!!! You will need it.

From Dragon User magazine, May 1983

Microdeal's Ultimate Adventure 4 comes in a rather plain cover but inside lurks an entertaining adventure. The locations leap from Arctic wastes to jungle with incredible rapidity, but the program was written by someone with a sense of humour, and is reasonable for a text-only game. It is written in Basic, but this is fast enough for this type of program. My only serious quibble would be with the atrocious spelling - l counted eight mistakes in the instructions alone ("obsticals" being one of the more amusing). This is a high number for a finished product and spoils an original game.

Version also exists for the TRS-80 MC-10 (with spelling corrections).


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