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And Yet it Moves

by Orion Zymaris

(based on 12 ratings)
2 reviews14 members have played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

About the Story

Eppur si muove


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Average Rating: based on 12 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
And Yet It Moves, October 14, 2017

We start the game as an assistant to Galileo. You must smuggle his latest work out of the country and get it printed.

There’s a germ of a good idea here. At first, the puzzles are simple but fun. Nonetheless, there were some initial implementation difficulties. (Spoiler - click to show)After distracting Galileo’s jailer, why won’t Galileo tell me where his book is hidden?

This points to a problem I had: people don’t act realistically. I expected one character to betray me, or throw me out, or blackmail me. Instead he complies without hesitation. People let me wander around their property alone, to find clues. Galileo is oddly silent when he could help. And so on.

The implementation is mixed and sometimes I found it frustrating. Characters only have one or two key topics and anything else is met with silence. The author clearly has some good ideas, and I hope in the future he develops his Inform skills to improve his NPCs.

There are many points where the author has left in capital letters (or left them out), or people are given the wrong articles – the monk is initially described something like: ‘you can see Monk here’. And I wondered if that was his name, or if he was a monk.

The writing is pretty good, and the fact that I kept playing is testament to this.

There are a few difficulties with puzzle implementation. It's possible to accidentally stumble on a key location rather than following the clues. The last puzzle relies on you performing an action at a precise moment. If you do not, there’s no way to win — even though doing it one turn later should not prevent winning.

There’s also anachronisms like ‘a coffee table’ – really, at this time in Europe? There deffo were others but I don’t feel like replaying the game.

I solved it in about 15 minutes and reached the end.

It’s playable and complete, but the implementation is not all there. I hope the writer continues in IF as the concept and the early stages were engaging.

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1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A dramatization of the printing of Galileo's book Two Sciences, August 15, 2016*

This is a short parser game about a man named Andrea helping smuggle Galileo's book Two Sciences to a publisher.

The general story is interesting, but there are numerous bugs, and the interaction has some issues. It ended fairly quickly.

* This review was last edited on August 16, 2016
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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: October 1, 2014
Current Version: 1
License: Freeware
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: B751B514-063C-11E4-995C-E78B9FE0BA35
TUID: xvkd027awu8j410l

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