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Cowboy Blues

by David Whyld profile


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About the Story

The town of Stonetomb is a town in peril: Mad Jake and his gang of notorious outlaws have shown up and promised more mayhem than you can shake a stick at. The residents of Stonetomb are powerless against them (powerless = too damned scared to do anything) and so the task of saving Stonetomb falls to its last remaining cowboy: YOU!

Now, all you need to do is get some time off from your day job at the bank and you'll have all the time in the world for rescuing the town...


1 Off-Site Review

Delron Review Compilation
If you downloaded this game expecting an authentic picture of the old west, you're in for a big surprise - this wild west town has space invaders machines, television, rock and roll and all manner of other incongruous features. I haven't been playing it for long and I've already been struck down by God and been laughed at by a bunch of schoolkids for walking into a door. So not your average run-of-the-mill Western then. The characters, a bunch of reprobates who could have stepped straight out of a Robert Rankin novel are funny and the writing is, as always for one of David's games very good indeed. Recommended
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