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There is the Richest Juice in Poison-Flowers

by Mary Gooden profile and Failbetter Games

Episode 108 of Fallen London Exceptional Stories

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About the Story

“The spadix swells as it tastes air for the first time. Waves of yellow, orange and black ripple beneath its surface. Then the smell hits you: fresh-cut grass. An orchard on a summer’s day. Ripe fruit slick with tropical rain.”

There is a plant on the Surface that blooms but once every ten years. Somehow, a Sun-touched Gardener has not only brought it down to the Neath – he has also kept it alive, and thriving. Now, at last, it is time for it to flower. But why is it being kept in a poison-garden? And who are the mystery buyers who mean to keep the plant for themselves? All will be illuminated, when the poison-flower blooms.


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