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Ritual of Purification

by Jarek Sobolewski

(based on 4 ratings)
1 review6 members have played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

About the Story

Tha' art a magician, embarked on an astral projection. Danger. Romance, perhaps. Learning, maybe...
[--blurb from The Z-Files Catalogue]


Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 4 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
An intense, surreal game about becoming purified, June 27, 2017*
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This is a short surreal game that swerves from scene to scene with intense emotion. You confront hell, satyrs and nymphs, and so on. There's extreme pain, and you can see your collection of spells by typing Spells.

Some of it is fairly juvenile, though, especially the parts with nymphs/satyrs and the general breathless feel.

* This review was last edited on July 1, 2017
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2 Off-Site Reviews

Baf's Guide

A fantasy/occult scenario of self-empowerment through astral projection. Come face-to-face with your shadow-self, learning a handful of magickal spells along the way. Small map, simple puzzles, purple prose, a couple of not-really-interactive sequences. Certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but then, what is?

-- Carl Muckenhoupt

>INVENTORY - Paul O'Brian writes about interactive fiction

I would really like to play a game with this kind of tone which had freed itself from shopworn images and RPG leftovers. Something with imagery like the more arresting parts of Ritual, but which really cohered to make a powerful statement on some aspect of the human condition, could really take advantage of IF's immersive capability to create a remarkable work of art. Ritual isn't it, but I hope it becomes the jumping-off point for someone (the author perhaps?) to create something like it but better: no writing errors, no cliches, no anachronisms, no bugs -- just the Ditko universes exploding and melting all around us, with meaning.
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