
by Jesse McGrew profile and Kate Matthews

Inform 7

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
I know you're going to be a great typist one day, July 20, 2024
by Lance Cirone (Backwater, Vermont)

Merk is a pretty amusing SpeedIF. You are sent a letter by an alien who requests that you bring him a 100 year-old typewriter, because he always breaks newer keyboards. You go to the typewriter store and find one in the back room, but it turns out to be cursed and transports you to Pluto. The entire planet and its inhabitants are cursed too, so the alien tells you to blow up the planet, which you do using a cartoony detonator. "The moral is: never open your mail."

It makes no sense, but I always get a kick out of more surreal stories like this. It was also pretty easy to play, it's basically a linear structure where you are immediately told where to go or what to do next. I liked it.

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