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A story about being old enough that you should have everything figured out, only to discover that you’re living as the wrong gender…
Ongoing multimedia hypertext serial interactive fiction.
| Average Rating: based on 4 ratings Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1 |
An interactive novella about coming out as transgender in early adulthood.
This is a Twine production that really feels like reading a story. Although each chapter ultimately leads you through a pre-determined plotline, your ability to make choices gives an added layer of agency to the narrative. The young protagonist deals with some difficult encounters, but there is a strong note of hope.
The addition of music, colour and background graphics makes this an extremely polished production indeed. It made me realise just what a Twine story can be.
Games that could use more reviews by MathBrush
I love to review games. Let me know if you've made a game that needs more reviews, or can suggest someone else's! I might not be personally able to review every game due to time, content, or platform, but I'll try!
For Your Consideration - XYZZY-eligible innovation uses of 2015 by Brendan Patrick Hennessy
This is for suggesting games released in 2015 which you think might be worth considering for Best Use of Innovation in the XYZZY awards. This is not a zeroth-round nomination. The category will still be text-entry, and games not...