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Elvish for Goodbye

by David Gürçay-Morris

About the Story

"To think of 'living' there was to reduce the miraculous to the mundane; one does not 'live' at Xanadu."

— Joan Didion, "Goodbye to All That"


The great elvish city of Wild Idyll disappeared when our grandparents were still young, and all of the elves along with it. We each know dozens of stories about this near-mythical place, and hundreds more about the near-immortals who built it; but who can say what is true about a place that barely exists in memory?

Then I met the last person to have lived in Wild Idyll.


A choice-based story about telling stories, leaving cities, and cities leaving us.

Page Update History

v.4: 26-Sep-2024 14:06 - JTN (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed Web site URL
  v.3: 01-Feb-2023 18:14 - EJ
Changed genre
v.2: 13-Oct-2022 05:42 - Dan Fabulich
Changed download links
v.1: 01-Oct-2022 16:29 - autumnc
Created page

Game Details