Everyone who grew up with video games as a large part of their lives should play this game. If you look into why it was created, you find that this game is based on an essay on how much video games form a part of our pasts and how we should stop and think about that. Some of us spent hours playing a Sonic or Mario Bros. game and sometimes those games become entwined with events, periods, and phases in our past. Why do we play them? What do they mean to us?
In Ultra Business Tycoon III the player steps into the live, and gaming experience, of a young and avid gamer. As you play you uncover bits and pieces of that person's life. There are a lot choices, a bit of humor, and a fanciful gaming world that we experience through the nameless, faceless, player.
The game deals with many themes and doesn't seem to be winnable, but the experience is what's important. You're just supposed to enjoy the ride, which I liked. If you're an introspective person you may enjoy this game.
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