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by James Hudson

Inform 7

(based on 4 ratings)
1 review4 members have played this game. It's on 3 wishlists.

About the Story

You huddle in the concrete cell. Ever since the Hedonans built their outpost in the valley near your village, you never gave them any reason to single you out. Maybe it has something to do with the strange black box that you found recently? You glance furtively through the bars of the cell, then take the box from under your cloak. It to whirs into life and a small panel slides out, curiously marked like a typewriter...

An entry in the IFBeginnersComp and the Interactive Short Fiction Competition.

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 4 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Interesting new mechanic is not explored thoroughly enough, March 22, 2008
by Victor Gijsbers (The Netherlands)
Related reviews: Short, connect

Connect is a solid game, if rather short. There are a couple of fine puzzles, which are mostly quite easy, although one of them was (both from my own experience and from what I read on the newsgroup) somewhat underclued. The writing is okay, and the setting might be interesting if it had been worked out a little bit more. But what is certainly most interesting about Connect is, not quite unexpectedly, the special connect ability.

This ability allows the PC to read the thoughts both of those who are spatially separated from him, and from those who used to be in the location he is in now. The connect mode can be turned on and off throughout play, basically giving you two different sets of 'examine' messages.

I found the result quite interesting: you have both the all-too-standard 'physical' description of objects, and another, more 'mental' description. I would love to see a larger game where the possibilities of this command are really explored (with due consideration of the pitfalls, of course: just having two modes of examine might get old quick). In Connect, this is never really done: you use the special command to find out how you might get past the guards, and that is more or less it.

Still, the idea is good, and worth a look.

Except for one bug in the competition release that allows you to bypass a puzzle, the implementation is well done.

The great bane of IF is games that are too short. This, too, is a game that is too short. A couple of puzzles, the first vague ideas about a setting, an exploration of just the first possibilities of the connect ability, and then the game is finished. The end result is certainly not bad, but it is too forgettable.

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CCTV cameras at the heart of it by Max Fog
I'm looking for a game that uses CCTV cameras (or surveillance of some kind) as an important part of the game.

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