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Tears of a Tough Man

by Bruce Humphrey


(based on 2 ratings)
1 review2 members have played this game.


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Average Rating: based on 2 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A debut title - and it shows (RR #7), October 14, 2012

Tears of a Tough Man by Bruce Humphrey is a short mystery murder memento game in which you are meant to restore your main characters's memory by wandering around and triggering his recollection by doing various things. What might sound interesting is held back dramatically by writer's inexperience and ineptitude.

In a forum post, the author stated that he planned to implement multiple features missing from the final version but couldn't (for some reason) - it shows. (Spoiler - click to show)(e.g. multiple endings) Grammar and spelling errors, whilst not overabundant, distract. Some of the puzzles are made unneededly tedious by poor syntax and logic. The in-game environment feels unnaturally constructed to the point of being ridiculous. Likewise, quest-important items just happen to be lying around in your path. The ending (Spoiler - click to show)(if you'd like to try this out, the point you're likely to miss is "x stains") does not really reveal or conclude anything.

To sum things up, Tears of a Tough Man is an author's debut work that does show some promise but in its ineptness cannot be salvaged even by mending and polishing.


PS: like I mentioned in a comment on my last review (that probably didn't get read too much) comments on my reviewing style would be much appreciated.

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1 Off-Site Review

Baf's Guide

It's not easy being a tough brute of a man. Everyone, including yourself, sees you as a monster. And when terrible things happen, you forget exactly what happened or what you did.

Fortunately, you're the sort of tough man who keeps a diary. If only you could read it, you might be able to come to terms with the horrible truth. You must hope that looking around and examining what you find will break down your inner barriers and let you read more of your diary. You must find out the truth.

Guess-the-Verb: EXTINGUISH

-- David Welbourn


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