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This game requires an interpreter program - refer to the game's documentation for details. (Compressed with ZIP. Free Unzip tools are available for most systems at www.info-zip.org.)

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Arnold the Adventurer II

by Scott Denyer

External Links

Page Update History

v.3: 17-Jan-2009 21:07 - Lance Campbell (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed download links
  v.2: 17-Jan-2009 21:07 - Fredrik
Changed external review links
v.1: 29-Sep-2007 20:50 - IFDB
Created page

1 Off-Site Review

Your Sinclair

"Arnold 1 was an amusing little romp and Arnold 2 is quite a funny sequel. Amid darkening skies, a blighted land and tales of terror it seems that the evil Schwartze has popped up once again. Winthorpe the Wizard disappears into thin air - taking with him the knowledge of what it is that's ruining the land yet again. By this time Arnold has fallen from being a national hero to a washed-up no hoper with nothing but a crumpled cape in his shopping bag. Now's the time for that cape to be donned once more."
See the full review

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