This game is actually rather worse than I expected, and that's saying a lot. I think it's a parody, but it's... far less than clear. At points, it seems genuinely racist, and at others pretends to mock racism. I could go into a deep philosophical ramble on the nature of parody, Poe's law, and politics in general, but I'd rather not. I'd rather talk about the game in itself, rather than as a gestalt. I have no wish to meddle in politics - the only reason I played this game is because somebody had to, and somebody had to review it. Not knowing would have killed me. Thus, I'd like to talk about the game aspects of this work, but that's hard.
It's a mess. The grammar is poor, and the design in general is poor - more often than not, lines of text overlapped each other in my browser, making reading it a nearly impossible task. It doesn't matter what hyperlink you click on, as they all (to my knowledge) lead to the same thing, stretching the definition of "interactive" to its limits. The writing, as I said, is muddled and misguided, and riddled with repetition and punctuation errors. There isn't anything to it that hasn't been done before - done better.
This work is angry and bitter, but not at anyone or anything in particular. The only one it unleashes its full vitriol on is you, the player. Play at your own risk.
And yes, I'm a masochist, before you ask.
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