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Monster Fucker Two: Dragon

by Kristan X profile

Episode 2 of Monster Fucker

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About the Story

Your peaceful city is beset by a mighty dragon. It darkens the skies, razes crops, and strikes terror into the hearts of the people. But you are not afraid... for you know the secret to conquering such a beast. It's simple. All you have to do in order to prevail is to lay the dragon.

Monster Fucker Two: Dragon is the second instalment in a series of adult interactive fiction games featuring a range of different mythical beings. The free version allows you to play as a hero, and take on one dragon. In the full version you can play as a hero or a heroine, and take on three very different fire-breathing monsters. There are over 30,000 words of text, and more than a dozen unique endings.

It was written by Kristan X - writer, sex nerd and (somewhat twisted) mind behind the professionally-filthy sex blog Lascivity.


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