The Lookoutby Paul Michael Winters profile2021 Horror Inform 7
This is a complex story written in Inform. You play as a man who recently experienced a haunting tragedy. Driven to solitude, you take work at a national park working in a lookout.
But things aren't okay out here. Something strange is happening to animals and hikers, and there's little you can do to stop it.
The game is story-driven; puzzles are minimal, and the borders of your little world are enforced strictly, while the game takes most actions for you. I felt like pacing was slightly off, where a little more guidance in some parts and a little less in others could have worked better, but it's hard to put my finger on anything.
I think the story mixed together the threads of isolation, terror, and loss pretty well, and I found to be one of the better short games I've played this year.