The Last Dark Day

by Bob Reeves profile

Episode 8 of Painless Little Stupid Games
Inform 7

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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
I doubt it is the last dark day, August 29, 2011
by Victor Gijsbers (The Netherlands)

This is a tiny game that puts the PC in a situation we have not often seen in interactive fiction. Saying anything more would spoil all.

I suspect the game would have been more interesting if it had taken me more than two turns to understand what was happening. Or, rather, I think the game should have allowed me to express that understanding and should then have skipped to the ending immediately. As it was, my third or fourth command was (Spoiler - click to show)"be born", but that didn't do anything; and that meant I just had to wait it out. Which is realistic, I guess, but not necessarily fun.

Let me finish by saying that the title of the piece is perhaps a tad optimistic. But that, I suppose, will be the subject of Painless Little Stupid Game 9.

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