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by CherylDella


1 review1 member has played this game.

About the Story

The sky is starless when you look up at it for the first time in the last thousand years.

You squint through the slumber still clinging to your mind and wondered whether the air had always been quite this uncomfortable to breathe, wet and earthy against your lungs. Darkness surrounds you, and while you don't remember it ever bothering you, now you shift restlessly against the tightness that seemed to press against you.

For the first time, you ponder whether you are dreaming. Because this was not how your awakening was supposed to be: in total darkness.

STARLESS tells the story of a prophecy playing out but from the point of view of the monster destined to bring destruction to the kingdom.

You are a dragon awakening from their thousand years long slumber only to find that things don't add up.

A prophecy has stolen your life and shaped it to its liking. Your guide through life, anchor to this world and only friend is nowhere to be found. All your efforts to be accepted gone with him.

Find out what happened to him. Why would he break his promise and not be there for you when you woke up after so long?
Let the prophecy complete its course and control what little else is left of your life. Or make your own destiny.
Meet your new guides to this new strange future.
Find the person behind it all and confront them. Or try to.

This game was created for the Bare-Bones Jam, and will be subjected to changes after the game jam is over.


Ratings and Reviews

Write a review The monster is not always... the monster., November 21, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: barebonesjam

This was a short-ish story about fantasy prophesies and predestination. The game does an interesting thing by using a different POV to the tale, from the monster's position rather than the saviour, as well has hinting that the monster and the saviour were friends. The ending (notification of one) will end depending on your actions (the monster's), and its trust in its friend.
Also, don't forget to click the link in the ending page, even if the text looks familiar...

That said, the writing didn't quite click with me. Nothing seems to be wrong with it, it just didn't grab me as much as the premise of the game itself.

There were also some issue with the bold formatting in latter passages. I don't think this was on purpose

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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: October 31, 2023
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Twine
IFID: 34044CDA-1E87-456D-A34F-7AD8D026E66B
TUID: qctlat4zrd4bdfv1

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