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Lair of the Vampire

by David Whyld profile


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About the Story

You awake in a dark cell, imprisoned there with four others. You are wounded, twin bite marks in your neck which feverishly itch. To begin with, you know little of your predicament, not even your name, but soon, very soon, everything begins to fall into place... You are trapped in the lair of a lord of the undead, a vampire by the name of Vaslock, who has brought you here for reasons of his own. He will not free you, he will not let you escape; you have only one choice: you must kill him.


1 Off-Site Review

Delron Review Compilation
I found the atmosphere and attention to detail engrossing and a pleasing aspect. The introduction and opening scene was well constructed and you were immediately drawn into the plight that had befallen yourself and the strangers in the cell. That opening location was suffocating and oppresive and I felt trapped in an Anne Rice novel. I enjoyed the handling of the conversations with the key subjects underlined so there was no scratching around for "ask xx about xx". The subsequent puzzles are good and, although I've not completed the game yet, I can recommend it as something well written, moody and very enjoyable. Good atmosphere. Good descriptions. Thumbs up.
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