Dark Angel

by Jerry Ford profile


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Great Story, But Was Buggy, But Now Better..., January 23, 2019
by penguincascadia (Puget Sound)
Related reviews: needs improvement; bugs; city

New Review:

Haven't fully tried out the game yet, but the game seems to not be buggy anymore!

Old Review:

Dark Angel has great writing, but the game is buggy- in an early scene, I was supposed to ask someone about a topic, but forgot. When I remembered and asked them later after nothing important happened, I got a default response. Asking characters about them or other topics that should give a response also only gives default responses, and I've seen events fire (for example, to keep the player character at one place) before they are actually supposed to happen. You can also do weird things like putting food in your oven to warm it and coming back later to find that it's still cold (yes, I made sure the oven was on). On the upside, the writing is good and invokes the setting well, and it's nice to see more games with a good and large city setting that's filled out. It just needs more beta testing and more ironing out of the bugs in the game.

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