The Amiable Planet

by Yoon Ha Lee

Science Fiction

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A kind and gentle walking simulator, June 29, 2024
by cgasquid (west of house)

The expectation that we have from interactive fiction is challenge; either a game will challenge our minds with puzzles, challenge our dexterity with action elements, or challenge our worldview and emotions with viewpoints other than our own and experiences we have never had.

"An Amiable Planet" is a short game about love, peace, and helping others. The place you are in is one of the most pleasant I've ever imagined, full of beauty, friendly NPCs, and wonderful sensory experiences. Yes, some of these creatures need help, but you don't need to solve puzzles to do so; you just need to remember the things you've seen.

There really isn't anything to "solve" in this game. It takes about twenty minutes to see all of the content. But I found it very enjoyable, and I may find myself dreaming about some of these places. And that makes me happy.

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