Moments Out of Time

by L. Ross Raszewski

Episode 1 of Moments Out of Time
Time Travel
Inform 6

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
A replay-often time travel game with customizable inventory, March 12, 2016

I played this game because Adam Cadre cited it as one of his favorite games ever. You play as a time traveller who is investigating an old house.

Due to time travel limitations, you can only bring a limited amount of items with you. However, you need pretty much all of the items at one time or another to see the whole story. Thus, you have to replay it over and over to see more and more.

There's no real one big goal. It's a lot of fun to slowly unravel the story, though.

This game used some fancy window techniques, which didn't work for my game. So I just played without them.

I was discovering big, shocking things even on the fourth or fifth play through.

Excellent game.

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<blank>, March 12, 2016 - Reply
You may want to play the sequels, though be warned, the third game is a huge, unwieldy beast. You'll probably really enjoy the second, though - Renegade, I believe. You'll want to play it while this one is still fresh on your memory.
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