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Vampires and humans collaborate to take down a villain, September 12, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: about 1 hour

This is a twine game with three different paths about a group uniting to defeat a powerful vampire. You can play from three perspectives.

I can sum up my reaction to this game by saying I loved the story, liked the mechanics but found a lot of typos and bugs.

The story (from the point of view of a new vampire, which I chose first) is that you are recently-graduated art student whom a powerful vampire lord has turned into a fledgling vampire. You are captured by a human-vampire-cooperative group called the Redjackets, and together decide to take down your lord.

The game boasts three perspectives and allows a variety of both emotional/roleplaying choices together with choices that affect the overall story.

I liked the atmosphere and dialog of the game. There were numerous minor typos, though, and several passages with broken Twine code. The very first screen said 'error' on it (due to some code that checks your previous playthroughs); several times, the text was from the wrong perspective; the face of one of the characters got duplicated once, instead of showing two people; and the game said it would remember my choices when doing the next path but I saw my former character take all the choices that I didn't take.

However, none of these bugs really prevent the playing of the game itself or the enjoyment of the story. So I still like the game overall, I just want to be complete in my review when describing it all.

I do want to call out the color scheme and UI as being especially nice-looking (for my tastes).

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