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Mondes rêvés

by Natrium729 profile


(based on 2 ratings)
2 reviews4 members have played this game.

About the Story

Parfois, quand Aoda fait les comptes de l'hôtel, elle s'endort et rêve d'autres mondes.

Mondes rêvés est un tout petit livre-jeu écrit en plus ou moins 4 heures pour la Partim 500, an 2023, dont le thème était « dévoiement ».

L’histoire fait référence à des choses que j’ai écrites ou des choses que j’écrirai peut-être un jour, alors je suppose que ça sera un peu obscur pour qui n’est pas dans ma tête…


Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
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Average Rating: based on 2 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
De rêve en rêve, February 13, 2024

Une petite histoire qui nous transporte de rêve en rêve, parcourant des univers variés et pour lesquels on aimerait en savoir plus.

Une lecture agréable qui vend du rêve (si j'ose l'expression).

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Dreamy prose, January 19, 2024
Related reviews: French, partim500

In this micro CYOA booklet, you play as Aoda, a hotel accountant prone to falling asleep, dreaming of other worlds. Sectioned in small paragraph (about a sentence), the story takes you on a seemingly cyclical journey where you travel from dreamworld to dreamworld, only to be awaken in burst... and falling back into the arms of Morpheus.

The prose is incredibly dreamy and poetic.
There are no other word to explain it, it's just beautiful.

I also found the mechanic quite playful, with the tiny subtle enigma (which may or may not lead you to a secret ending). It will push you to go into the cycle again and again, making the story feel much longer than just 500 words.

In the formatting, the game forgoes the use of numbers for each passage, like you'd expect in a CYOA book, but words representing the section - which you can click like you would a hypertext game. This little subversion adds to the dream-like ambiance of the game.

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