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All Your Time-Tossed Selvesby Porpentine profile2016 Google Forms
(based on 15 ratings)
1 review — 28 members have played this game. It's on 7 wishlists.
a story made in Google Forms
| Average Rating: based on 15 ratings Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1 Write a review |
[Time to completion: 5-10 minutes]
This game uses Google Forms, and why not? It sets up your own website for you, it allows you to make choices in various ways, it even can display text conditionally. It’s a blunt tool, obviously not suited for the task, but it… kinda works?
It is primarily dialogue-focused, taking on the feeling of an interrogation, an interrogation one who has brought on some unnamed catastrophe on the city. There is gentle, devastating rhythm in the prose.
All Your Time-Tossed Selves explores the various ways there are to make choices, with a little surprise at the end.
A playful experiment that's strong on text
When it seems as if every book is a copy of The Girl Who_____________, every film is a sequel, and every TV show is a remake, some writers still write. Still experiment. Still play. Porpentine, most commonly known as a prominent Twine author, is one of these. Her latest digital fiction, All Your Time-Tossed Selves, is a simple experiment, stepping away from Twine as a platform and using Google Forms instead. Its short length, linearity, and thoughtful contemplation make it a great read for those who love poetry with a bit of story, even those who aren’t very familiar with digital fiction.
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