Eat the Rich

by InfiniteStars


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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Missing the mark on a big topic, June 22, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: neotwinyjam

Eat the Rich is a short piece wanting to be thought provoking. Taking on the titular old slogan, the game takes it literally, showing that eating those billionaires would only result in realising there are still rich people out there, that maybe should be eaten too so it would be more fair. Or maybe wealth could be distributed instead and… oh wait, now we have more rich people and look there are still poor people in that other country.

So, what should we do? Is Eat the Rich the right way of looking at things? The message the author is trying to push forward is to take another approach on the matter. Rather than eating the rich, we should look into one’s self and… realise we’re actually richer than other people, and appreciate what we have.

Inspired by their personal background and realisations, the message ends up feeling preachy and tone-deaf (which the author already conceded).
To me, it made me think of those people pointing out at cancer patients when you’re complaining about a headache and berating you for not realising how lucky you are. Even if people share a trait (e.g. pain, feeling poor), situations can be completely different, with neither being unworthy of space. Knowing you’re part of the worldwide 1% won’t really matter to you if you’re already counting pennies.

It’s a bit of a shame, because the topic (wealth disparity) is all the more important, as many populations are suffering due to inflations while large corporations tout record profits and executive salaries. But the angle was maybe not the right one to tackle it.

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