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The Dallas Quest

by James Garon, Louella Lee Caraway, and Phyllis Wapner

(based on 8 ratings)
2 reviews11 members have played this game.

About the Story

An adaptation of the TV series, handily employing implausible soap opera plot conventions as excuses for preposterous adventure game puzzles.

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 8 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 2
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A made for computer game, September 20, 2013
by theqbasicwizard (Leduc, Alberta)
Related reviews: dallas, tv show, game, whatnot

When I first played this game I was only a kid, a kid that actually watched Dallas. Now, I know what you are thinking and I thought it wasn't that bad of a show. When I was roaming the internet one summer day unsupervised, I came across this game, and well being a fan of the show decided to give it a go. Well though it is based on Dallas the show, I have to say it was quite well for the time it was released. Putting aside that the puzzles are kind of dull and though when you complete the game you can shrug off everything and walk away from the computer as if nothing had happened. I still have to say that I did enjoy this game for what it was trying to do. If you are a fan of the series and like games such as this, I'd recommend giving it a try.

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Early Games That Left Lasting Impressions, March 30, 2018
by Tristano (Italy)

I've played "The Dallas Quest" about 34 years ago, on my C64. I must have been around 13, yet it's one of the early IF games I remember more vividly — well, at least there a particular scene toward the end of the game that stuck with me, most of the plot has faded away in my memory now.

We all have seen thousands of ads, played hundreds of games, yet there is always some ad that keeps popping up in our minds from the distant past, and some games that we remember most, despite the hundred of better games we've played after it. Why? Who knows...

I wasn't a fan of the Dallas show at all, but I remember enjoying this game a lot. I can't really say why this, of all games, survived stronger in my memory than others — and I had played a lot of IF games even back then. If it's true that "time will tell" and that in all things the test of time is a proof by itself, then there must have been something special about this game that made it memorable to me.

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