The Enterprise Incidents

by Brian Desilets

Inform 6

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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Interesting short story, November 27, 2010
by Aintelligence (Canada)
Related reviews: School, short

This is a short story about delivering candy grams to all of the classes In the school.  The adventure is different from most adventures, designed not with a gripping plot, or suspenseful, or difficult, but designed to ease beginners into interactive fiction.  
( side note: I was impressed at how non-linear the story was, letting you go in any order you wished)
There were two things though which could have been slightly better.

Firstly, the so-called puzzles were just word problems which had to be solved, and actually I thought that was a cool idea, but those were the only puzzles (except finding who to give the cards to but these are hardly puzzles) I thought that the riddles were ingenious, one relating largely to interactive fiction, but as I said interactive fiction needs puzzles which involve the use of examining objects and using them to their full potential. 

  The story includes a small middle school romance (oh those days) but all in all the story is relatively plotless and non-descript.  This I feel is almost too bad.  Sure,it's for beginners, but plot and characters are really what interactive fiction is all about, so it would have been nice to expose the players to a decent plot. 

All in all though, it was enjoyable and a good example of interactive fiction originality.

Note: this rating is not included in the game's average.
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